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Universal Divinity Linker

Universal Divinity Linker

SKU: O033

You are a fractal of the Creation as a fragment of something that has a structure and a pattern that repeats infinitely towards the micro and towards the macro. As it is above, it is below, as it is inside, it is outside. Beyond our galaxy there are more galaxies.


We ourselves as fractals towards the micro have a creative power, at our level of our fractal scale. If you go up a level on the physical plane, there is the metaphysical energy not measurable by physical instruments where the energy of living beings, souls and spirits enters.  We are a fractal towards the micro of a higher being, what you really are ...  soul. In truth there is part of the divinity living in you, and living in me, because your soul has the same energetic essence as the superior being that creates everything.


If with your thoughts you are creating a parallel universe somewhere, what would you do? Would you try to create it in the best way? Would you change all your thoughts to positive? We are the weaver and the woven. Divinity lives within you, and therefore its essence also lives in all living beings and existing things.



  • Citrine
  • Brass Coil


Orgone energy is similar to what the ancients have called prana, chi, or universal energy. Orgone is created by precisely combining organic and inorganic materials in order to create the transformation into and amplification of vital life force energy.   We are essentially beings made up of a very delicate and highly intelligent electro-magnetic circuitry.  Due to the  increase in radiowave, microwave and lower frequencies that have invaded our modern world our energyfield can easily be damaged by them.  Orgone products are devices in a variety of different forms that help humans and all living beings retain and regain the energy fields that keep them in harmony and functioning as we were created.  Energy follows a pattern.  By adding minerals, metals, crystals and conducting patterns to these matrix resonators the balancing powers of the chosen combination will be amplified so that it can affect us beneficially in accordance to that pattern.   The resin crystal matrix is locked in an amplified state of its own frequency. The encased metal filters the negative frequencies. The precise combination creates a high-frequency output and a negative-frequency filter all in one piece. 

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