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We strive to bring you those products that reflect the energy and effort of handmade arts and crafts from hardworking crafters and artisans around the world. We also support products elaborated for the wellbeing of life on earth. We believe in creating a market that strongly supports handmade items, especially cultural and traditional products all the while bringing to you a more personal and conscious shopping experience. Our values lie in sourcing and supporting those that have not lost the art of creating handmade unique crafts that reflect those ancestral cultural traditions that we believe should not be lost.  We value the effort and dedication that goes into making these items and thus wish to honor the artisans by aiding them and encouraging them to continue to create. Our intention is to make sure the artists receive fair pay for their hard work.


We also source products that are made by innovative creators that serve to bring useful and/or consumable items to people that are functional and life enhancing. 


We price items in a way so that we are able to donate 10% of our profits to the Koginka Sewaluna Foundation and the valuable work of preserving and educating others in the Original Living Wisdom of functioning with Nature and righteous stewardship of Earth. All the artisans, workers, and beneficiaries equally gain from this market trade. We believe in the importance of balance in all aspects of life and we represent this by creating conscious partnerships through dialogue, transparency, and respect.

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Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

Our store is mainly a online store shipping out of Florida, USA




Hours of Operation:


MON - FRI:  9 am - 5pm eastern time

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created by XOLARTS INC. © 2021

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